Good Morning, Darlings!
Listening to Lady GaGa while writing this post. Still reeling from her amazing concert on 12/28. So, when I saw an ad for a new Wii game, “Just Dance“, I knew this would make for a great party evening.
With the snow keeping the majority of our neighbors inside recently, I decided to make a few calls last Friday and invite a few buddies to come by, and, well, just dance.

This game is hilarious. Not only is it a blast to play, but even more fun to watch. There were six of us gathered at our house around 9pm and the fun started. Taruan, Chioke, Eric and I took to the living room floor and got moving. I believe we started with “Hot and Cold” by Katy Perry. You just follow the dancer on the screen and do what they do. This sounds so much easier than it is. But in no time, Taruan, The Dance King, was killing. He was trouncing all over everyone. He could not be beat. Val and Jay joined us a bit later and the party was in full swing.

- Taruan, The Dance King

- Chioke Challenges Taruan

- Chioke and Karen Take A Break

- Twix Break!
All that dancing works up an appetite, so I pulled out the homemade twix bars I had made the night before and they were devoured. Time to mix a few adult beverages and back to the dance floor.
We didn’t stop until 2am, when I decided to whip up some biscuits and sausage gravy. Not everyone eats pork, so I put out some raspberry/jalapeno jelly and the beloved honey bear. Chioke had the grand idea to slather the biscuits first with the jelly and then the sausage gravy. Across the table I asked him how he came up with the idea – “Greed,” was all Chioke said, with an evil little smile.
If you had tasted it, you would agree that a little greed can be a very good thing indeed.