Anatomy of a Dinner Party: a day in the life of a hospitalityaholic

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Super Bowl Decorations

Friday, January 27th, 2012

Good Morning Darlings!

I am Super Bowl obsessed. We are throwing a small party at the house and I can’t wait to have everyone there, hollering at the television and eating and drinking inordinate amounts of food and beer. And cocktails.

Time to start thinking about the decor. Hmmm…what to do?

Come on in for decorating ideas.

Super Bowl Food – Best of the Web

Tuesday, January 24th, 2012

Good Morning Darlings!

I saw this website the other day and immediately thought of you.

Check it out!

I Have A Secret

Monday, January 23rd, 2012

Good Morning Darlings!

Secrets are the most fun. Well, when they are happy secrets. Like birthday surprises, raindrops on roses and brown paper packages tied up with string. Some of my favorite things!

My friends at Black Tie Barbecue keep the most fun secrets ever!

Wanna hear a secret?

Chinese New Year

Friday, January 20th, 2012

Good Morning Darlings!

Conversation last night at our house:

Me: “Honey, we should invite Rick & Denise over on Monday for the Chinese New Year. We can drink the sake they brought us in the gorgeous sake set they gifted us with and I can make pad thai.”

Eric: Crickets – then laughter. “Honey, sake is Japanese and pad thai, is, well, Thai.”

Me: “Um…”

I really should get out more.

Thank goodness for my friend Sofia, in NYC. She knows how to celebrate Chinese New Year. She sent me wonderful recipes for the most fun cocktails for your Chinese New Year.

Thanks, Sofia!

Super Bowl Fantasy

Wednesday, January 18th, 2012

Good Morning Darlings!

This is my fantasy centerpiece for Super Bowl. With all the calories removed, of course.

I don't think I have enough guests to build this.....

What are you serving at your Super Bowl soiree?

xoxo, Patti

Today blogging to Bad Company – Rock and Roll Fantasy

The White Party

Tuesday, January 17th, 2012

Good Morning Darlings!

New Year, Fresh Ideas.

White always signifies freshly laundered sheets, fresh clean sheets of notebook paper. A new start.

What does the color white mean to you?

Happy Birthday Holly!

Monday, January 16th, 2012

Good Morning Darlings!

Today is our sweet Holly’s birthday and last night we celebrated by watching the Golden Globes and eating lots of comfort food.

Click for photos!

Let’s Drink To The Golden Globes!

Sunday, January 15th, 2012

Good Morning Darlings!

OMG – it is Golden Globes Day! My Superbowl!

This is so much better than the Academy Awards because all the celebs are drinking it up and you never know what they will say. It’s my favorite!

It’s also bestie Holly’s birthday, so Eric, besties John & Holly and I will be eating copious amounts of lasagne, garlic bread, bacon petit fours made by my friend Brandon at Bear Maker Bakery (bacon petit fours y’all!!) and a layer lemon cake, all washed down with champagne, cocktails and Whopper candies. Then we will scream at the television and critique all the dresses. I am SO excited. God bless Eric, who I am sure will eat with us and then excuse himself to play video UNO or watch a Star Trek episode or four.

While I am getting ready, I am letting my buddy, Katie, in NYC, take the wheel and whip up some awesome cocktails for your viewing pleasure.

How do you celebrate the Golden Globes?

Take it away, Katie!

Darden’s Delights aka You Don’t Have To Bake

Thursday, January 12th, 2012

Good Morning Darlings!

Our good friend Sarah showed up this past Sunday night bearing a Lemon Chess Pie.

Lets talk pie…

Dragons Make Me Thirsty

Wednesday, January 11th, 2012

Good Morning Darlings!

Everyone is talking about The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo.

Have you seen it?