Good Morning, Darlings!
What is more fun on the weekends than hanging with your best friends? Pretty much, nothing, that’s what. My very best friends are Eric, my sweet husband and Karen & Oscar, our two adopted canine-american children. They are hilarious and provide hours of free entertainment. Karen is our wild thing and Oscar is much more subdued (except when there are flying things to catch!)

Karen's Dog Days of Summer

Oscar, Lolling In the Sunshine
And just as I love to indulge our human besties with the best of everything, so is true of our puppies. When I met Lauren Janis of Big Daddy Biscuits, I knew I had met a kindred spirit. Lauren is sweet, really funny and interested in making life better for your four-legged baby. When I finally got a chance to hug her neck in person at the Urban Picnic, we already knew we would be great friends. And after bringing home a gift bag of her Turkey Bacon Bites, which proved to be love at first chomp for my kids, I knew she was on to something very special indeed.

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