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Friday, June 13th, 2014
Good Morning Darlings,
Does every cake turn out perfect?
Um, no. I really felt for these baking fails. I laughed so hard I cried.

And here’s one from my own archives. I tried to make Crystal a lemon layer cake. I swear that cake was trying to run away. It kept sliding off the bottom layer. A personal best! Not.

Share your baking fails with me!
Posted in baking | Comments Off on Baking Fails
Tags: baking fails, birthday, Crystal
Monday, March 7th, 2011
Good Morning Darlings!
Honestly, you would think I would be done celebrating my birthday by now. After all, it’s been three weeks since I turned another year older. But, no, Crystal took me out for an incredible day on Saturday and it was delicious, precious and educational.
You are going to want to check this out….
Posted in atlanta, cooking, entertaining, Hospitalityaholic, Shopping, Travel | 6 Responses »
Tags: Cheese, Cheese Making, Crystal, Decimal Point Farm, German Bakery, Goats, Patak
Monday, October 4th, 2010
Good Morning, Darlings!
Whew, what a weekend. Lets get started with the recap.
Friday night we attended FLUX, the art installation in Castleberry Hill. It is more of an art installation than art festival because it is interactive and a bundle of fun. Called Le Flash last year, this year’s incarnation had a ton more partiers and more things to see. There were zebras running on buildings, movies projected onto high rises, singing heads, food carts and much more. Eric and I went with besties Crystal & Teague, said hello (and Happy Birthday!) to our friend Denise Jackson in her gallery, and then stopped for a drink at our other besties loft, Matt and Clint. It was delightful, exhilirating and cultured.
Roll the footage!

Crystal and Teague party down at Miss Jackson's gallery
More Fluxy Fun Inside
Posted in atlanta, Autumn, party | 7 Responses »
Tags: Carole, Castleberry Hill, Clint, Crystal, Eric, Flux, Matt, Teague
Monday, August 30th, 2010
Good Morning, Darlings!
You all know how much I adore living in Atlanta. It’s a town filled with surprises. We are genteel, we are foodies, we love a parade, we love a spectacle. Sometimes we like it rough.
Saturday night was one of those rough nights. Besties Crystal, Teague, Denise, Rick, Eric and I all packed up the food and tailgated before the Atlanta Rollergirls bout at the Shriners Temple. This was my first time seeing the Rollergirls in action, and what a treat it was. But first, we must eat.

Hanging With Denise and Crystal Pre-Game
See How Rough It Gets After The Fold
Posted in atlanta, entertaining, party | 7 Responses »
Tags: Atlanta Rollergirls, Crystal, Denise, Eric, Rick, Shriners Temple, Tailgating, Teague
Thursday, May 20th, 2010
Good Morning, Darlings!
Tuesday night I had the pleasure of attending a reception for my fabulous friend, Shameeka Shy Ayers aka The Broke Socialite. This gorgeous fete was held at the very prestigious hotel, The Mansion on Peachtree, in the heart of Buckhead. I implore you to peruse their website so you can feel the opulence.
From the moment bestie Crystal and I stepped out of the car, aided by the most pleasant Darrell, our valet, to the doormen on our way out, we were treated like royalty.
Once inside the hotel, you sense that no expense was spared to make this a spectacular getaway. Designed by noted architect, Robert A.M. Stern, this 42-story beauty rises like a queen from her throne. And Tuesday night, the queen’s name was Shameeka.

Honoree Shameeka Takes A Moment For Photos
Come On In And Join The Party
Posted in Hospitalityaholic | 9 Responses »
Tags: Crystal, Dwight Sanford, Lynn, Mama Says, Miller jackson, Shameeka, Sugar Coma, Tami, The Broke Socialite, The Mansion on Peachtree, Tony
Wednesday, March 10th, 2010
Good Morning, Darlings!
Today is my sweet Crystal’s birthday. And in honor of my adorable friend, I am going to post some of my favorite pics of her.
Crystal and I met in 2002, when Eric was working with Teague. The first day I met her I spied her vegetable bible and knew we were destined to be besties. When she married Teague, Eric became ordained so he could perform the ceremony. When we moved to our neighborhood, we were thrilled that they bought a house on the next street.
They have been our friends through thick and thin and it is such a pleasure to call you my little sister, Crystal. I love you!

The prettiest bride ever!
I cried when they said “I do” all the way through the Krispy Kreme wedding cake!
More Birthday Fun Inside
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Tags: Crystal
Tuesday, March 2nd, 2010
Good Morning, Darlings!
I had the sweetest time in NOLA with my darling husband, but the birthday celebration didn’t stop there. This past Friday night, 22 of us gathered to celebrate some more at Karaoke Melody, a terrific spot on Buford Highway that has private karaoke rooms. Most.Fun.Ever.
The photos really tell the story here, so lets begin!

Teague Checking The Mics
Join The Party By Clicking Here
Posted in Hospitalityaholic | 8 Responses »
Tags: cake, Clint, Crystal, Danny, Eric, holly, John, karaoke melody, Leila, Lisa, Matt, Shane, Teague, Val
Saturday, December 26th, 2009
Good Afternoon(!!), Darlings!
I trust you all had a bang up Christmas. We certainly did. There were six of us gathered around the table this year and it was the one of the nicest Christmases I can remember. Oh, we had fun. But you knew that already, didn’t you? 
First, let me list the menu:
Prime Rib, Dry Aged By Eric
Yorkshire Pudding
Mashed Potatoes
John’s Awesome Veggie Bake w/Brussel Sprouts, Portabellos, Broccoli, Wild Rice, Cheese (Everyone had at least 2 helpings of this!)
Beef Gravy
Chocolate Brioche Bread Pudding w/Homemade Whipped Cream
Everything Cookies
Buckets and Buckets of Champagne
More Christmas Celebrations After The Fold
Posted in Hospitalityaholic | Comments Off on Our Christmas Feast for Six
Tags: Champagne, Chocolate Brioche Bread Pudding, Christmas, Crystal, Dry Aged Beef, Eric, John, Mashed Potatoes, Teague, tracy, Veggie Bake, Yorkshire Pudding
Friday, December 18th, 2009

Warm and Inviting, Yes?
Good Morning, Darlings!
It is a very rainy day here in Atlanta. I understand there will be snow up north. But here, not so much.
But it has been cold! I thought some soup was in order. Miss Diane was sweet to pick up a gift for us and swing it by, so I thought she should have dinner with us. She called me mid-afternoon to let me know that her beau Jonathan would be flying in from assignment in Columbus, Ohio early evening. How exciting! We would finally meet her mystery man. Jonathan is a well-respected videographer and we couldn’t wait for him to join us.
And to add to the mix, we invited Crystal and Teague to join us. I love a party!
More Dinner Party Fun After The Fold
Posted in Hospitalityaholic | 3 Responses »
Tags: Crystal, Diane, jonathan, peach cobbler, Soup, Teague, vegetable and meatball
Wednesday, December 9th, 2009
Good Morning, Darlings!
Tuesday brought downpours and so I stayed in and managed some household minutae. I wrote thank you notes, did the laundry, stripped the guest bed and washed the linens since Holly is staying the night with us on Saturday after the party (she is the most delightful houseguest!) I half-heartedly cleaned the bathroom and straightened up.
I also pulled out all the serving trays for the party and placed the appropriate plates into the two three-tiered servers.
I’m not sure if I mentioned this, but on top of everything else Crystal has done for the party, she made me two of the most scrumptious rosemary wreaths. They smell so heavenly! My first thought was to hang them in the kitchen separately, but then got inspired to tie them together and hang them from the mirror over the mantel. Take a look – I love it!

Mantel Decorations Done

Rosemary Wreaths!
Day Three Chaos Next
Posted in Hospitalityaholic | 3 Responses »
Tags: Cry, Crystal, jitters, Rosemary Wreaths, tracy