Happy Valentine’s Day to all my sweeties out there! Eric and I are sleeping in, making breakfast together, will watch a dozen movies and then make pizza dough. We never go out on Valentine’s Day. Why go out when you can get all cuddly inside? It’s cold out there!
But I bet you are all ready with a great day for your loved one, right?
My adorable friend, Barry Belcher (who you might remember from our hilarious cooking videos here and here), is the new Marketing Manager at The Mansion on Peachtree. Their Elf on the Shelf is back for Christmas and is making appearances all over the property during the holidays.
Take a look! And go visit him in person. While you are there you can duck in for a drink at their swanky bar. You never know you you might meet there!
We are now officially one day away from the beginning of the Fall Season. Happy Day!
I am all excited for Halloween, even though it is more than a month away. This is one holiday you have to plan for! So much to do – costumes, decorations, candy selections.
How was your Super Bowl Sunday? Did you party with all your favorites and holler at the television? Good, that’s the American way. Me, too. And I have a bit of clean up to do before I can report back on the activities and yummy goodies everyone brought, so here’s a fun video Barry and I made with a super easy recipe for a ridiculously delicious pie for your sweetie on Valentine’s Day.
My friend Barry and I made a little video for you on how not to bake. I think you will like it. Take a look as we try to make a special cake for Holly’s birthday.
Our friend Lindsay, from Midori, sent me this spooktacular recipe for a fun cocktail that not only tastes terrific, but is perfect for your gatherings on October 31st.
On Monday I was on the set of “Dirty Dishes” as the guest star of this fun series made popular on You Tube. My friend, Barry and his co-star, Cori Davenport invited me to come on and be a guest on the episode entitled “Open Faced Sandwiches With Two Faced Friends”. You all might remember Cori as Kim Kolciac’s friend on The Real Housewives of Atlanta. We filmed in Cori’s palatial mansion in Gainesville, Georgia. The house even has an elevator! And of course, we dished – Cori had all sorts of delicious tidbits to share with us about being on reality television. I love to know what happens behind the scenes. And no, I can’t divulge….that would not be nice. Ok, a little divulgence. The producers of the reality shows make sure everyone is in serious party mode before they start filming. I guess it should come as no surprise that the chardonnay is flowing, but I never knew for sure. But now I do!
If you will forgive me for keeping it short this morning – I am off on a video shoot with my friend, Barry Belcher and his fab friend, Cori. Their videos are called Dirty Dishes – gossip and cooking! Isn’t that fun?
To give you an idea, here is one of their hilarious videos. The episode I am going to be featured on is Open Faced Sandwiches With Two Faced Friends. Fun!
I am running around furiously trying to get ready for uber-early call. Wish me luck!
In the meantime, let me introduce you to Barry and Cori:
xoxo, Patti
Today blogging to Buck Owens and His Bucaroos – Act Naturally