Good Morning Darlings!
When I was asked if I would like to try a new product from Cookie Zen, in which I would pair their cookies with my wine, I said….
Of course I would love to try some cookies and wine. I love them both separately, why not together?
So the lovely people at Cookie Zen sent me two boxes to try. There were 5 of each cookie, which I am certain meant a cookie and wine pairing for 5 people, but, um, it was just Eric and me.
Who can eat just one cookie? Or just 4? Don’t judge me.

Ooh, sparkly!
Eric and I paired ours with Chardonnay and a nice Shiraz.
First up, Parmesan Thyme: We both agreed this tasted like a good ole cheese biscuit from the south. Soft and cheesy, it was good, but not what we would define as a cookie. But still tasty.
Second, Apricot Sage: I liked the unusual taste of the savory and sweet, but this was not for Eric, who said, “If I had wanted a cookie and grabbed one of these on a plate, I would have been disappointed.” Which led to a quasi-intellectual discussion of our favorite cookies and why. I really love cookies.
Third, Sea Salt Chocolate Oatmeal: Oh my goodness, I really liked this cookie. I could taste the salt with the chocolate chips and that really rang my bell. Eric, the food snob, thought it was comparable to a Chips Ahoy. Okay, more for me!
Last, Zesty Lemon: Let me tell you, we are serious lovers of lemon at our house. This was the clear winner for us.
And we got to drink wine with it.
Grab a couple (4?) of these boxes of cookies on their website and invite the girls over. Open at least 6 bottles of chardonnay or bubbly and watch a Sex and The City Marathon. Don’t judge, just do it.
xoxo, Patti
Today blogging to Cookie Monster – C Is For Cookie