Anatomy of a Dinner Party: a day in the life of a hospitalityaholic

FFF-Oscar Worthy Cocktails

Written by Patti on February 25th, 2011

Good Morning Darlings!

My friend Kate in NYC has some great ideas for some award winning cocktails just in time for Oscar night this Sunday. How are you spending the evening? This is like the Super Bowl to me. I love everything about Oscar day – the preshow, the red carpet, the show. I’ll be watching, will you?

Will you be watching?

Take it away, Kate!

Invite over your pals, prep your DVR, order in some appetizers: it’s time to get ready for the 83rd annual Academy Awards. With the Super Bowl over, it’s time to get serious about glitz and glamour, most importantly, who the stars will be wearing. But, before you begin your own version of The Fashion Police, be sure to shake up some of these mouth-watering cocktails to set the stage and delight your senses. Each of the following five libations match up with one of hottest films of the year, assuring that you’ll have the perfect drink in hand no matter which flick gets your vote.

1. 127 Hours: The first cocktail of the bunch features a delicious tea infusion – for best results, soak tea for approx. 127 Hours. Best of all, the Flor de Cana rum punch has a garnish is of fresh mint, perhaps reminiscent of the Canyonlands sparse landscape.

Canyonlands de Caña

2 oz. Flor de Caña 4-year old
1oz. Flor de Caña 18-year old
0.75 oz. rich demerara simple syrup
1 oz. lime juice
6 oz. HOT STRONG Green Tea
1 mint sprig

1. All of the ingredients should be combined and left in a container over night
2. Strain the next day
3. Refrigerate and drink at leisure
Pour the punch into a glass and garnish with a lime wheel and mint sprig
*Demerara syrup can be made in a pot over low heat on stove top. 2 parts demerara sugar to 1 part water. Heat and stir until dissolved.

2. The King’s Speech: Critics are loving The King’s speech and especially Colin Firth’s portrayal of King George VI. To toast him in style, as only a true monarch deserves, we’ve got a delicious cocktail with Russian Standard Vodka, the number one Vodka in Russia, which was specially created to meet the high demands of the Russian Czars. With a taste of this simple and refreshing cocktail, we’re sure that King George will have no problem with his next public address.

Russian Royal

1.5 oz Russian Standard Vodka
Splash of lemon juice
2 oz. pomegranate Juice
Lemon twist

Shake Russian Standard Vodka, lemon juice and pomegranate juice gently over ice. Strain into a chilled martini glass and garnish with a lemon twist.

3. Social Network: For those social-media inclined, how about a festive punch, perfect for bringing friends together – just like everyone’s favorite social network, Facebook!

“Friend Me” Punch

2 oz. Flor De Caña 7-year Grand Reserve
4 sugar cubes
3 green cardamom pods (can be found at any spice shop)
3oz. club soda
1oz. lime juice
1 oz. grapefruit juice
1 dash of Regan’s Orange bitters

Strain the punch into a glass or punch bowl, depending on the size of the portion, top with 2oz. club soda and garnish with lime wheels


1. Dissolve the sugar cubes in 1 oz. of soda water (this generally involves muddling to help process)

2. Muddle the cardamom pods with the sugar cubes

3. After the sugar cubes and cloves are muddled/dissolved, add the rest of the ingredients one at a time and stir as added

4. Add ice once all of the ingredients have been added and stirred

5. Stir the punch until it is chilled

4. Black Swan: How about a taste of light and dark, or in the drinks world, tart and sweet? While Natalie Portman’s character struggles between the good vs. evil of her black and white swan, the Sayers Swan is a light and refreshing cocktail that uses Russian Standard Vodka, with a sweet tangy pop from the fresh lemonade.

Sayers Swan

1.5 oz. Russian Standard Vodka
3 oz. Lemonade
Slice of Lemon

build in a rocks glass over ice

5. Inception: Dream within a dream? How about a treat within a treat? We’ve got the most delicious cocktail around, featuring Lucid absinthe – sure to trigger those lucid dreams! Best of all, you can even eat the gingerbread cookie garnish!

Lucid Sweet Dreamer

1 oz. Lucid absinthe
0.5 oz. simple syrup
Dash of freshly grated cinnamon
Dash of freshly grated nutmeg
0.5 oz. fresh lemon
0.25 oz. green chartreuse

Muddle small pieces of ginger. Add all ingredients and shake thoroughly with ice, then strain over fresh ice in a highball glass. Garnish with a small Christmas tree gingerbread cookie.

Enjoy the most glam night of the year!

xoxo, Patti

Today blogging to The Nelson Riddle Orchestra – Hooray For Hollywood


3 Comments so far ↓

  1. Lisa says:

    Black Swan — Tequila
    The Fighter – PBR
    Inception – Absinthe
    Kids Are All Right — Zinfandel
    King’s Speech — Gin
    127 Hours — Gatorade
    Social Network — Jaeger
    Toy Story 3 — Chocolatini
    True Grit — Bourbon
    Winter’s Bone — Ice Wine


  2. Patti says:

    Lisa! Perfect suggestions, all! you are so clever. xxox, P

  3. Tania Zamorsky says:

    I am inspired. I might just have to throw an Oscar party now! Thanks! 🙂