Anatomy of a Dinner Party: a day in the life of a hospitalityaholic

Pasta, Peas, Pesto and A Tiny Peek…..

Written by Patti on April 7th, 2010

Good Morning, Darlings!

Yesterday was filled with adventure! I met one of my darling friends for a peek at a project he is working on and it is going to thrill! But I can’t share just yet. But here’s a little tease for you.

The Mystery Will Soon Be Revealed

Doesn’t that photo make you happy? All those white scrolls and roses. It reminds me of antique beds dressed with linens that are impossibly soft. Soon all will be revealed, pinky swear.

Last night found me speaking to our neighborhood association as I was introduced as the Social Director. This doesn’t only mean I give parties, but welcome new residents (I’m thinking baskets of warm cookies), as well as chair the committee for our first annual festival in 2011. I am learning so much and meeting the coolest people lately.

All this excitement leaves a girl (and her husband) ravenous. We could have copped out and ordered Papa John’s, but after searching the fridge, we opted for pasta with pesto and peas. Miss Patricia Tinsley and I got together last summer and put up pesto – jalapeno pesto! We pulled that from the freezer, boiled up some pasta and while they boiled, Eric heated up the pesto, added cheese, bacon and sunflower seeds. The peas were added to the pasta water right before the pasta was ready and BAM! Dinner was served. I grabbed my camera at the last minute and snapped a shot for you.

So easy, so good!

It tasted like spring.

Happy Wednesday, my Darlings!

xoxo, Patti


1 Comments so far ↓

  1. My cousin recommended this blog and she was totally right keep up the fantastic work!