Anatomy of a Dinner Party: a day in the life of a hospitalityaholic

October, 2009 browsing by month


Hot Tub, Hot Pizza, Hot Time

Saturday, October 10th, 2009

Since we had company Thursday night and both of our weekend nights are filled, I was hoping to hang out at our house Friday night and sit. Not sit and think – just sit. Maybe cuddle a dog or two.  Then Denise called and invited us over for pizza, wine and a soak in the hot tub.  Denise and Rick live directly behind us and we had not seen them in a month and we just love them. So we packed up and headed over.  So glad we did.

The two of them are so easy to be around.  No one was going to any lengths to impress the other. We sat, we ate pizza, we drank wine, we caught up.  It was so relaxing.  For once I was very happy to let someone else call all the shots.  And so it will be for the rest of the weekend.  Although we are hopping from event to event, it will be in the hands of our hosts to entertain us.  All we have to do is show up and be good guests. Easy enough.  This weekend’s itinerary:

Friday night – hot tub with Rick and Denise

Saturday – Soup party at Tracy’s (first stop by Jay and Val’s football party around the corner)

Sunday – Brunch with Holly, Clint and Matt
Dinner with John and Danny

Today we will rest a bit before tonight. I am slated to bring stuffed mushrooms to the soup party, so eventually I will have to leave the house for supplies.  But for now, I’m happy to lounge about, blogging for you and perhaps cuddle a dog or two.

Happy Weekend, my Darlings. Make it count.

xoxo, Patti

P.S. – Our beloved Sylvia sent me this uplifting quote when I needed it most. It’s from Dr. Suess:
“Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don’t matter and those who matter don’t mind.”

Pat, Deacon and the Lure of CNN

Friday, October 9th, 2009

As hoped, last night’s dinner with Teague’s folks was a success.  Granted, the beef took twice as long to cook as expected (maybe the calibration on my oven is off?), but the company was divine.  Pat and Deacon look great and were thrilled that I added Miss DeVore to the guest list.  I thought it would be fun to have someone there they had not yet met and they all got along famously.  Pat and Deacon are both more than well rounded on current events and Diane, who works as an editor at CNN, was more than happy to engage them in conversation on the state of the media.

My day yesterday was not stellar.  I usually like to keep things light here, but I took a stand on something I believed in yesterday and lost an acquaintance because of it.  It stung. But there were guests arriving and I needed to move forward.  My sweet Crystal swung by early to help and it was wonderful having her in the kitchen with me before her inlaws came for dinner.  Having best friends working with you side by side in the kitchen is a very healing thing.  We tied the beef, we chopped and roasted potatoes. It helped my mood immeasurably.  We also had time for a glass of chardonnay before everyone else got there.

Crystal and I were so busy cooking and visiting that I forgot to photograph the food. But here are some nice photos of the table. The roses came from my front yard – aren’t they lovely? Although I ironed the tablecloth, the wrinkles persisted. I need a new tablecloth. One that won’t wrinkle. I’ll find one and get back to you on that.

Deacon brought us a gorgeous bottle of Chateau Tour du Mayne 2005 Haut-Medoc.  It looked too beautiful to open so we are saving it for a special occasion.  As the beef was taking its sweet time to cook, I decided we should go ahead, sit down and enjoy our salad.  That done, the beef made its appearance and was gobbled up happily along with the green beans with almonds, roasted potatoes and dinner rolls. All our guests  ooohhhed and ahhhhed over the cheesecake with coffee.  It was a lovely evening.

On an entirely different note, I would like to say congratulations to President Obama on winning the Nobel Peace Prize. We salute you, our dear president and support you in your efforts.

Getting off my tiny soapbox now and  wishing you all a wonderful Friday. Our weekend is filled with lots of parties, so I will be bringing my camera and letting you all take a peek.

xoxo, Patti

Getting Ready For The In-Laws

Thursday, October 8th, 2009

Good Morning, Darlings. Tonight we are hosting the parents of our dear friend Teague, in-laws of our sweet Crystal. Lots of scurrying around to get ready.  Last minute cleaning and prep.  Here’s our menu for the evening:

Beef Tenderloin
Tossed Salad
Roasted Red Potatoes with Rosemary and Garlic
Green Beans with Almonds
Dinner Rolls
Strawberry Cheesecake

It may not seem like it to you, but this is a really easy meal. Let me break it down for you.  The beef tenderloin gets rubbed with butter, salt and pepper and goes into the oven for 25 minutes at 500F.  Salad is just bagged salad (why would I cut up all those greens?).  Potatoes – cut up little red potatoes, toss them with olive oil and spices and stick in a 400F oven for 1 hour. Green beans – canned green beans heated up and toss in some almonds. Dinner rolls – prepackaged and heated up.  Cheesecake –  store bought.

My concern is that I’m phoning it in. It all seems so easy that I feel like I should be more stressed out, but I’m not.  I’m more concerned about what to do with my crazy dogs when they arrive tonight.  I know that when folks come to my house they expect a certain level of food expertise, but there are those who are just happy to be somewhere they will get fed and not have to worry about anything else.

So, today I will set about making the table the focal point of the meal.  I am going to iron my white tablecloth.  I will set out my nicest tableware.  I went to the Dollar Tree and picked up these cool, wide glass containers for the roses that are low enough to see over.  I will fill them with knockout roses from my front yard – they are perfect for table settings because they have no scent.  Remember, this is an Important Tip:  do not set your table with scented flowers or candles – they will only compete with the food for what smells best. And after slaving over a meal for your guests, you want them to smell only the yummy goodness you are bringing to the table, yes?

Question – what is the most important aspect of the dinner party?

Food?  Well, of course, you want everything to taste good.  But is it any less fab if you pick it up from a purveyor who does it better than you can? Absolutely not.  In fact, in most cases it helps to know your weaknesses and garner strength where you can.

Drinks?  They don’t hurt.  But the in-laws are tee totalers. So tonight, I will have a nice glass of wine with Miss DeVore before eveyone else arrives.

Tablesetting?  To me, a lovely table setting is like putting on your makeup.  It makes the whole package look better.  Plus, there is nothing like the sound of your guests ohhhhing and ahhhhing when they walk in and see your table scape.  It is the icing on the party.  It makes everyone know that you think they are special.  And you can do it on the cheap.  Pull some things from your house you love and set them on the table. Whatever makes you happy (not the cat, of course, but you get my meaning).

A clean house?  Sure, they’ll notice if you are living like Big and Little Edie from Grey Gardens, but if you were the Edies, you wouldn’t be throwing a dinner party, now would you?  Clean the bathrooms, make the beds and dump all your Playboy magazines under the bed. Light a ton of unscented candles and keep everyone out of the kitchen if it looks like something exploded in there. Ply your guests with wine (or ice tea). Smile.  A lot.

Your attitude.  Most.Important.Aspect.   You are happy to have guests in your home. You invited them. You like these people. Let them know. Welcome them into your home with a huge smile and open arms.  It doesn’t matter that you are serving Kraft Mac n Cheese from the blue box with a Boone’s Farm chaser.  Do it with love and it is better than dining at a five star restaurant with a bunch of bores.

I promise.

Go out there and entertain – tis the season!
xoxo, Patti

Lunch with a Celebrity, Chicken Chili and That Pumpkin Bread

Wednesday, October 7th, 2009

Tuesday was just a bundle of fun. In the early afternoon, I met celebrity blogger, Tami H. of Running With Tweezers, for lunch at La Pietra Cucina.  It was sheer luxury.  I know Tami would never describe herself as such, but ask anyone in the food blogging world and they will know her, her food stylings and her fabulous blog.  We had a great time.  The food was amazing – we both ordered the same thing – the black spaghetti with rock shrimp, scallions and hot calabrese sausage. It was spicy, savory and hit all the right notes.  We both threw caution to the wind and enjoyed some lovely Italian white wine as well.

The lovely Miss H. with the winning dessert
Mascarpone, huckleberries and caramel

And always, as with people who are meeting for the first time in person (we have been running in the same circles for years), there was not enough time for us to visit – we could have sat there for hours and still not run out of things to discuss.  Tami is going for her second experiment of eating on $30 a week. You have to check out her blog to see how she does it.  Today was not that day – this was a total midweek splurge – complete with an afternoon nap for me.

Nap completed and refreshed after my incredible lunch, dinner needed to be tended to.  Even though the chill in the air has subsided a bit, I am still in Autumnal Cooking Mode. Chicken chili was the dish for tonight.  I read a few recipes and decided on my own.  Here’s what I came up with:

White Chicken Chili

2 lbs of chicken breasts – cubed
3 large poblano chilies – roasted (see photo below)
4 cups of chicken stock
1 medium onion, chopped
1 can of corn
2 cans of white northern beans
1/2 tsp Adobo
1/2 tsp Garlic Powder
1/2 tsp Cumin
1/2 tsp Chili Powder
2 TBP Olive Oil (the liquid, not Popeye’s girl)
Sour Cream
Cheddar Cheese, shredded
Cilantro, for garnish (if desired)

First, let’s roast the poblanos and get that out of the way. Hold the chili over a low flame with a long pair of tongs until blackened. After all are blackened, place in a big bowl covered with plastic wrap for 30 minutes.  Cut off the top of the chili and discard seeds and stem. Then slice open the chili (charred side up) and rub charred section with a paper towel – the char will come right off. Then slice chilies for later.

Next, take a big stockpot (not that one, that’s too big – the other one…) and pour the olive oil in.  Turn the heat to medium and let the oil heat up. When it is sufficiently hot, put in your onions and cook until translucent. Then add chicken and let brown.

Next, add those chilies and spices and your stock.  Turn the heat to high and let it come to a boil. Let it boil for about 5 minutes and turn back down to low.  Let simmer for about 2 hours. Remember to stir every once in a while.

After two hours, add corn and beans and heat through.

To serve – spoon chili into bowls, top with sour cream, cheese and cilantro – devour.

Although this was super yummy tasty….it was a fairly small bowl. So I needed dessert. Pumpkin bread! And lemon curd! Mmmmmm…..

I’m hoping that your Tuesday was just as wonderful.  And leave a comment – I know you are out there reading!

xoxo, Patti

Carrot Curd and Pumpkin Bread

Tuesday, October 6th, 2009

Ahhh, the chill in the air, the leaves falling, unpacking the sweaters and the Uggs.  I love Autumn.  The turn of the season from the hot days of Summer bring the cool, orange and brown days of Fall.  This means heartier cooking, substantial dishes from your kitchen that will stick to your ribs. Yesterday was like that.

I was craving the first loaf of pumpkin bread this season so I went to the cupboard and wrangled all the ingredients for one perfect loaf.  It was silky, lush and dense.  Sound good? Here’s the recipe, Darlings:

Perfect Pumpkin Bread


1.5 cups flour
1 cup sugar
1/2 tsp salt
1 tsp baking soda
1 can pumpkin puree
1/2 cup of olive oil
2 eggs
1/2 tsp each of nutmeg, cinnamon, ginger (or more if you like it really spicy, like me)

Preheat oven to 350F

  1. Mix wet ingredients and spices
  2. Mix dry ingredients in separate bowl
  3. Combine wet and dry ingredients
  4. Pour into greased loaf pan
  5. Bake for 60 minutes

Voila! You’ve got a snack the entire family will love!

I’ll take a few better pictures of that today.  I get so excited by the finished product that sometimes I forget to take the photos. Color me chagrinned, but happy.

I had another treat yesterday in the form of friend and neighbor Curtis asking to stop by for some culinary advice. But of course!  Curtis is a great cook and had challenged a co-worker to a cake-off. The contest – Curtis bet he could beat her best cake recipe.  Her best cake recipe – Carrot Cake. Curtis has been searching online for recipes and every one he read said he needed to put in crushed pineapple, which, when discussing said contest at a recently attended dinner party,  Curtis was asked by a food writer if he was going to use crushed pineapple, which she found to be abhorrent.  Luckily, none of my cookbooks referred to using any pineapple, which was a relief.  But just baking a plain old carrot cake isn’t enough for Curtis. He’s a pioneer, a risk taker.  He wanted to stretch the boundaries of the imagination.  We started brainstorming and came up with the idea of making carrot curd. Now, I have never even heard of carrot curd, but we googled it and Curtis found a recipe that seemed more savory than sweet. So we decided to riff on my lemon curd recipe and see what happened.  Here’s how it went down:

First, the proper ingredients.  I try to keep my kitchen well stocked so I can bake or cook something at a moment’s notice.

Lemon curd uses zest and lemon juice for its zing. How to do that with the carrots? Curtis thought it would be good to shred the carrot, squeeze the juice and then toast the shredded carrot for extra flavor. Great idea.  I thought it would be cool to use dark brown sugar instead of white for added depth. Another great idea. This afternoon was the kitchen equivalent of musicians jamming together – it was a creative meeting of culinary minds and it was coming together like smooth jazz.

Here’s Curtis toasting the carrot:

The recipe for all you seekers of the unsual:

Carrot Curd

7 large eggs yolks, plus 2 large eggs
1 cup, plus 2 TBSP dark brown sugar
2/3 cup carrot juice (or 1/3 cup carrot juice, 1/3 cup orange juice)
1 large grated carrot
1/2 stick butter, cut into 4 pieces
3 tablespoons heavy cream
Pinch of salt

In a medium non-reactive bowl, whish together the yolks and whole eggs until until combined
Add sugar and whisk until combined
Add juices, carrot and a pinch of salt, whisk until combined
Transfer mixture to a medium non-reactive saucepan, add the butter pieces and cook over medium-low heat, stirring constantly with a wooden spoon, until the curd thickens to a thin sauce-like consistency
Immediately pour through a sieve, that is place over a large bowl. Stir in heavy cream.  Jar and refrigerate immediately.

How was it? Luscious, delectible, crazy tasty.  Like Autumn on a spoon.  We spooned some over slices of pumpkin bread and all you could hear was silence. Our mouths were full.  My mama raised me not to talk with a mouth full of pumpkin bread spread with carrot curd….some might fall out!

Some more pics for you:

Thanks, Curtis, for coming up with this fabulous idea. You are welcome in my kitchen anytime.

The rest of you – step out of the box and try something that seems undoable. I know you can do it!

xoxo, Patti

Pedicures, Zombies and Shaun’s….

Monday, October 5th, 2009

Oy, so I’m a zombie!

I love the weekends. Mostly, Mr. Eric and I try to spend it together, but sometimes you need time with your buddies. Sunday was one such day. Eric spent the day with Teague and I got to spend the day with Crystal. I think our girls’ day was the winner.

We started out with pedicures at Cure, with Kim and Cheryl. Although our appointment was at 1:30 p.m., we got started a little late and didn’t finish up until 4 p.m. We were supposed to meet Miss DeVore at Oakland Cemetery to shoot zombies for real (with the camera!), but the zombie walk started at 3 p.m., so we didn’t think we could catch them (which, in retrospect, is funny, since zombies are notoriously slow walkers – or lumberers, as Crystal put it..). After our tootsies were done, we dashed to the car and drove to Oakland Cemetery and saw a few zombies. Finally, we met a zombie who was very helpful and told us to drive to Underground Atlanta, where they were all headed. We were richly rewarded with tons of zombies taking to the streets of downtown Atlanta. God bless Crystal, who has a morbid fear of zombies, hanging out of my car window and snapping shots of the undead. She only screamed when they stuck their ghoulish heads in the car. I was so proud of her! Here’s a couple of our favorite shots from the day.

Crystal and I both reasoned that it was fine to post the zombie pictures here because they were looking for something to eat and this is a dining blog. So there’s my rationalization for steering off course. To see some killer professional shots, click here for photos shot by Josh D. Weiss, an amazing talent who works with Crystal.

Chasing zombies in the car works up an appetite, so Crystal and I headed over to Shaun’s to wrap up the evening in style. Chef Doty has a $12 menu on Sunday with salad, pasta and dessert. It was wonderful.

Because I thought I was starving, we opted to start with an appetizer of chopped chicken liver – it was gigantic! And one of the tastiest things ever! Funny, that we started with a body part after chasing zombies – seemed appropos to me.

That was followed by a lovely salad with buttermilk dressing and then the pastas. Rigatoni with a chicken bolognese for me and the lemon ricotta ravioli with pesto, green beans and fingerling potatoes for Miss Crystal.

Dessert was rich, chocolate ice cream, which I am embarrassed to say I gobbled up before realizing I had forgotten to get the shot. Oops…

I hope your weekend was as zombirific as mine was!

Happy Monday!

xoxo, Patti

Bonus Post – Cheap Eats Calendar!

Sunday, October 4th, 2009

How cool is this? It’s a calendar Berlin B. from put together to show nightly food specials.

As we are having girls day today/tonight, I wanted us to be able to go somewhere cheap and fun… we just have to choose!

Tomorrow – where we went and what we ate!

New Babies, Old Friends and Pad Thai

Sunday, October 4th, 2009

Saturday was a busy day for us. Miss DeVore and I did a little early morning shopping for Clint’s new place and then Eric & I were scheduled to go to the christening party of a friend’s baby. It had been a couple of months since I had seen baby John Charles and he had certainly grown. He was full of charm – more so than most babies. At four months he managed to have me wrapped around his finger in no time with his smiles, giggles and jaunty eyebrow maneuvers. His proud mom and dad, Dawn & Brad, along with big sister Megan, threw a lovely party. Yummy meats and cheeses, salads and even beets – I love beets! This was topped off with a gorgeous cake of blue with white polka dots – so sweet. And Dawn even served that swell punch we all love here in the south at special celebrations – fruit punch mixed with sherbet and 7-Up. It looks so pretty in the punch bowl and definitely signifies that this is an event to be remembered.

It was great catching up with everyone at the christening party and then it was on to the next event. We met my sweet, sweet friend Kathryn and her husband, John and adorable step-daughter, for dinner at Top Spice for Thai. The brief time we spent together at dinner was crammed with two years of catching up, so lots of talking between bites. I had the Pad Thai, which was filled with shrimpy, peanutty goodness. After 1.5 hours, we all packed up and headed home.

Eric and I spent the rest of the night lounging about, watching tv and playing with the Wii.

Hope your Saturday was just as fun. Sunday – Zombie walk!

xoxo, Patti

A Kitchen Imagined

Saturday, October 3rd, 2009

Last night, Eric and I went to LeFlash….a celebration of the photographic arts in the Castleberry neighborhood of Atlanta (just 5 minutes from our house). Although it was enjoyable, the main attraction was seeing the brand new condo of our beloved Clint. He closed on Friday and we were dying to take a peek. We finally met up with Clint around 10:30 p.m. and proceeded to his new digs. The new condo is spectacular, with killer views and most importantly, a killer kitchen. Matt poured us all a glass of champagne and all of a sudden, I swear, the condo filled up like the party in the movie, Breakfast At Tiffany’s. There were a ton of the most hip people filling the space. Some we knew, some we met for the first time, but everyone was super cool. I have never seen anything like it. These people appeared as if by some cinematic miracle. But that’s Clint – he attracts everyone he meets like moths to a flame. Here’s a cool little film made by Matt on Friday night.

My question to you this morning – with what do you stock a brand new kitchen to make it most efficient?

Lets see – I would start with a perfect cookbook. My choice would be Mark Bittman’s How To Cook Everything. This is a great all purpose reference for almost any recipe. It’s great for beginners and advanced cooks alike.

Next, you have to have a sharp, well made 8 inch chef’s knife. Do your research and check out what feels best in your hand. I like Wusthof, personally. You will be reaching for this knife a lot, so make it count.

You need a great cutting board. I know everyone is in a panic these days about cross contamination, and suggest plastic cutting boards, but I am going to disagree and suggest a big, sturdy, wooden cutting board – Boos if you can afford it. I always wash mine with a mixture of lemon juice, soap and bleach and have never had any problems.

What do you need to cook in? A stock pot is nice and doesn’t have to be particularly high end. I would suggest sinking your budget into a great saute pan (preferably nonstick). You can make everything from omelets to stir fries in this versatile pan. Don’t skimp, please.

These are what I believe to be the basics for your new kitchen. Hopefully you are fortunate like Clint and have a sleek, swanky place to cook and enjoy your guests. I know I can’t wait to cook with him at his new place.

Congratulations, Clint! We love you!!!

On an entirely different note – I would like to say hi to Carla over at il piatto blu. I had the distinct pleasure of meeting her through our friend and neighbor, Michelle, last night (Hi Michelle!). Last night was full of magical moments – I hope you are making your own this weekend.

oxox, Patti

Special Note: Thanks to our Darling, Matt Belfi for that fine photo of our Clint!

Creamy, cheesy, fruity gooey goodness

Friday, October 2nd, 2009

Oh my. I was starting dinner last night when one of our darlings dropped by. Miss DeVore was on her way and of course there was a ton of food. Problem? We were all so excited to visit with each other that the only photos taken last night were of food in the works – not the finished product.

Crab risotto with peas and mushrooms along with an apple and blueberry crisp. Yummy, gooey Autumnal goodness.

Crab Risotto with Mushrooms and Peas

  • 6 cups seafood stock
  • 3 tablespoons olive oil, divided
  • 2 pound white mushrooms, thinly sliced
  • 2 shallots, diced
  • 2 cups Arborio rice
  • 1/2 cup dry white wine
  • sea salt to taste
  • freshly ground black pepper to taste
  • 3 tablespoons finely chopped chives
  • 1 10 oz package of frozen peas
  • 1 8 oz container of crabmeat, picked over to remove shells
  • 4 tablespoons butter
  • 1 cup freshly grated Parmesan cheese


  1. In a saucepan, warm the stock over low heat.
  2. Warm 2 tablespoons olive oil in a large saucepan over medium-high heat. Stir in the mushrooms, and cook until soft, about 3 minutes. Remove mushrooms and their liquid, and set aside.
  3. Add 1 tablespoon olive oil to skillet, and stir in the shallots. Cook 1 minute. Add rice, stirring to coat with oil, about 2 minutes. When the rice has taken on a pale, golden color, pour in wine, stirring constantly until the wine is fully absorbed. Add 1/2 cup stock to the rice, and stir until the broth is absorbed. Continue adding stock 1/2 cup at a time, stirring continuously, until the liquid is absorbed and the rice is al dente, about 15 to 20 minutes.
  4. Remove from heat, and stir in mushrooms with their liquid, butter, chives, crabmeat, peas and parmesan. Season with salt and pepper to taste.

Risotto is easy, but time consuming. Hmmm, between this and the beef bourguignon, I’m sensing a trend here. Plan to make it on a night when you have plenty of time.

Next, dessert. I love a fruit crisp. It is my favorite type of dessert. I can remember eating it in the cafeteria at school. Even that version delighted me. The blueberries and the apples were from the mountain trip this past weekend, so you know they were very fresh.

Here’s a shot of the filling. We ate the finished dish way too soon for pictures, but I promise I’ll have them for next time!

It’s Friday! You have the whole weekend to get in the kitchen and cook. Hope you are staying toasty warm and enjoying this fresh new season!

xoxo, Patti