Anatomy of a Dinner Party: a day in the life of a hospitalityaholic

October 10th, 2009 browsing by day


Hot Tub, Hot Pizza, Hot Time

Saturday, October 10th, 2009

Since we had company Thursday night and both of our weekend nights are filled, I was hoping to hang out at our house Friday night and sit. Not sit and think – just sit. Maybe cuddle a dog or two.  Then Denise called and invited us over for pizza, wine and a soak in the hot tub.  Denise and Rick live directly behind us and we had not seen them in a month and we just love them. So we packed up and headed over.  So glad we did.

The two of them are so easy to be around.  No one was going to any lengths to impress the other. We sat, we ate pizza, we drank wine, we caught up.  It was so relaxing.  For once I was very happy to let someone else call all the shots.  And so it will be for the rest of the weekend.  Although we are hopping from event to event, it will be in the hands of our hosts to entertain us.  All we have to do is show up and be good guests. Easy enough.  This weekend’s itinerary:

Friday night – hot tub with Rick and Denise

Saturday – Soup party at Tracy’s (first stop by Jay and Val’s football party around the corner)

Sunday – Brunch with Holly, Clint and Matt
Dinner with John and Danny

Today we will rest a bit before tonight. I am slated to bring stuffed mushrooms to the soup party, so eventually I will have to leave the house for supplies.  But for now, I’m happy to lounge about, blogging for you and perhaps cuddle a dog or two.

Happy Weekend, my Darlings. Make it count.

xoxo, Patti

P.S. – Our beloved Sylvia sent me this uplifting quote when I needed it most. It’s from Dr. Suess:
“Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don’t matter and those who matter don’t mind.”