Anatomy of a Dinner Party: a day in the life of a hospitalityaholic

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Fun Find Friday – Cuisinart Hand Blender

Friday, July 23rd, 2010

Good Morning, Darlings!

Today’s fun find is the Cuisinart Smart Stick Hand Blender (retail $24.95) It’s so cute! And you can blend lots of ice cream drinks right in their containers, without lugging  the clunky blender from under the counter or wherever you put it last (where is that thing, anyway?)

Anyhoo,  you can blend soups right in the pot, make more ice cream drinks (loving the ice cream drinks in this summer heat), or whip up a batch of whipped cream, you know, to go into your ice cream drinks.

I love how sleek it is, too. Can’t you just picture James Bond using one of these? Well, me neither, but you sure would look swanky using it!

Look How Swanky!

Rushing off to buy one now. But you can click right here and get it from the comfort of your own home and the nice UPS man will bring it right to your door.

Now, if only we could get him to deliver the ice cream…..

xoxo, Patti

Today blogging to The Cars – Shake It Up