Good Morning Darlings!
I was musing today about what nourishes me.
And not just food. Things that feed my soul. A gorgeously set table always puts me in the best mood.

Wouldn't you like to join this party?
An adorable puppy is good for anyone, yes? How can anyone resist a basket of puppies?

A basket of cute.
Personally, time spent exclusively with my love Eric and our two pups, Oscar & Karen, are times cherished. We are all so busy these days that the luxury of one night of delivery pizza and pjs sounds divine. We had a night like that last night and I’m still smiling.
Last week I had the opportunity to host a group of friends for dinner to celebrate our dear Kathy’s birthday. Two of these ladies I had not seen since high school, so when they arrived, there was lots of squealing and hugging. Lasagna always makes everyone happy, so I put together a roasted veggie lasagna with a lemon bechamel sauce. Good Golly, it was delicious. Of course there was lots of garlic bread along with a fabulous antipasti platter that Kathy put together. The bubbly flowed and after dinner I brought out the white cake filled with lemon curd and frosted with Seven Minute Frosting.

Kim, John, Kathy, Sherry and Me. Citrus High School alums from... some time ago.
It was a perfect evening. I never took one photo of the food or the table.
What’s feeding your soul these days?
xoxo, Patti
Today blogging to Chicago – Old Days (this is for you, John! xoxo)