Anatomy of a Dinner Party: a day in the life of a hospitalityaholic

February, 2011 browsing by month


Shane Has A Birthday

Wednesday, February 2nd, 2011

Good Morning Darlings!

Last week my good friend and neighbor, Shane, celebrated a landmark birthday. Yes, he is now 21……

And of course, all the neighbors were there to toast him. We love a good party, you know. So Shane ordered up some pizza, we brought wine and beer and showed up. We are always good for bringing the adult beverages. We’re good like that.

With my buddy Shane.

I even made a cake. Now, I know what you’re thinking…really? After two misfires? Yes, really. And it turned out well. Looks like my cake mojo is back! Although I have a beef with one Miss Betty Crocker. I picked up the cake decorating tube in a nice yellow only to get it home and read that I need a Betty Crocker frosting tip to use with it. What? Really Betty Crocker? I think not. So I wrote it out freehand, sans the silly little cake tip I was told I needed. It was legible. That’s all I will say.

Not so bad.

Shane seemed happy enough with it.

And so we gathered and ate pizza and cake, washed down by wine and beer. A good time was had by all.

Lovely photo of Valerie and Shane....

...photobombed by Justin. lol

Tracy and Crystal

Jay and Rick

The guys enjoy a slice.

Humphrey was so good all night!

It was another great night in the neighborhood. Happy Birthday, Shane!

xoxo, Patti

Today blogging to the Paul Weston Orchestra – The Theme From Shane


Tuesday, February 1st, 2011

Good Morning Darlings!

Wasn’t yesterday with Arlynn fun? She is such a delight.

And since she was such a love to write such a wonderful post, I am going to keep it short today and talk about tacos. Tacos are Eric’s favorite food. I like them, too, but I am more partial to pizza.

The other day I gazed into my refrigerator to see what I could conjure up for lunch. Um….slack jawed and uninspired, I stared. And then it hit me. I saw some chorizo I had just picked up, spied a hunk of queso, there’s some sour cream and we even have salsa verde! Hot diggity. I always try to keep tortillas on hand and so I fished those out of the pantry. Voila!

Eric joined me in the kitchen and diced up an onion to go with the chorizo frying in the pan. I heated up the tortillas over the flame on the stove (it’s fun! it’s like camping inside!) Not too long after, we were gobbling down some of the tastiest tacos I have ever had.

One fine meal.

Life’s funny like that. When you least expect it, the tastiest treat comes out of nowhere.

I hope your day is full of unexpected pleasures, Darlings.

xoxo, Patti

Today blogging to Taco – Putting On The Ritz