Anatomy of a Dinner Party: a day in the life of a hospitalityaholic

Movie Monday

Written by Patti on February 7th, 2011

Good Morning Darlings,

How was your Super Bowl Sunday? Did you party with all your favorites and holler at the television? Good, that’s the American way. Me, too. And I have a bit of clean up to do before I can report back on the activities and yummy goodies everyone brought, so here’s a fun video Barry and I made with a super easy recipe for a ridiculously delicious pie for your sweetie on Valentine’s Day.


xoxo, Patti

Today blogging to my silent house. 😉


4 Comments so far ↓

  1. Patti says:

    Such fun! Thanks, Melanie! Barry, you are just so baaaad! LOL

  2. Shut your mouth – the intro to this show is A-DOR-ABLE. I love the Cleopatra part. How did I miss this before????

  3. Patti says:

    FruHo, I just love you. xoxo, P