Anatomy of a Dinner Party: a day in the life of a hospitalityaholic

Unexpected delights browsing by tag



Tuesday, February 1st, 2011

Good Morning Darlings!

Wasn’t yesterday with Arlynn fun? She is such a delight.

And since she was such a love to write such a wonderful post, I am going to keep it short today and talk about tacos. Tacos are Eric’s favorite food. I like them, too, but I am more partial to pizza.

The other day I gazed into my refrigerator to see what I could conjure up for lunch. Um….slack jawed and uninspired, I stared. And then it hit me. I saw some chorizo I had just picked up, spied a hunk of queso, there’s some sour cream and we even have salsa verde! Hot diggity. I always try to keep tortillas on hand and so I fished those out of the pantry. Voila!

Eric joined me in the kitchen and diced up an onion to go with the chorizo frying in the pan. I heated up the tortillas over the flame on the stove (it’s fun! it’s like camping inside!) Not too long after, we were gobbling down some of the tastiest tacos I have ever had.

One fine meal.

Life’s funny like that. When you least expect it, the tastiest treat comes out of nowhere.

I hope your day is full of unexpected pleasures, Darlings.

xoxo, Patti

Today blogging to Taco – Putting On The Ritz